
Antoni Arola

Mexico City
April - July 2022

Estudi Antoni Arola
Max Milà
Júlia Rossinyol
Marie Camberbec
Kevin Sake

Johann Strauss II. The Blue Danube.


Pep Avila
Estudi Antoni Arola

Antiguo Hotel Reforma
París 32, Tabacalera, Cuauhtémoc, 06030 cdmx

A museographic proposal conceived for the MUFO: the museum of the future. It can be seen from April to July in Mexico City!

Percepcions | Light, Ephemerals, Research | Antoni Arola Studio
Percepcions | Light, Ephemerals, Research | Antoni Arola Studio
Percepcions | Light, Ephemerals, Research | Antoni Arola Studio Percepcions | Light, Ephemerals, Research | Antoni Arola Studio

This project is the result of constant research into the transformation of space through light.

The intention of the installation is to make the spectator become the main character and to be able to submerge in a place where movement and reflections change perception and create a magical, dreamlike and unreal environment.

Perceptions 1 MEX is based on analogue solutions - which help to connect with human beings – with technological and digital nuances. It is a dance between mirrors that generate overlapping through light, colour and music, generating a new conscience through beauty.

Percepcions | Light, Ephemerals, Research | Antoni Arola Studio
Percepcions | Light, Ephemerals, Research | Antoni Arola Studio
Percepcions | Light, Ephemerals, Research | Antoni Arola Studio